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Post  Admin Sat Apr 12, 2014 8:03 pm

A vector that evocative title, I think you will quickly understand what it is in this article. So let immediately to basics and discover this first series of tips and tricks to publicize the site and / or blog without leaving the wallet, but not without spending a little time.
Tip 0): Take care of keywords for each of your pages:

N ommez each of your pages by explicit url, and containing one or two keywords (or target sentence) . Sure still that the url is not too long.
The (s) word (s) key (s) must also appear as often as possible in your titles and subtitles of the content of the page. The title and subtitle tracks you frame in format and subtitle (Title 1 and Title 2 tags tags).
The images of pages must contain the tags "alt" with the keyword / target phrase.
The meta description for the page must contain the keyword / key phrase itself.
Your keyword / key phrase must be found more or less up to 1% on your page, your article. Find 10 times the keyword for a 1,000-word article is a good average.

1) Tell her website by posting articles on sites free content
make its website by publishing articles
O ur web directories for articles, you can post a free unique and original article and add a link to your website / blog. This has the effect of bringing you new readers.
Published on those sites to make its site involves the use of appropriate keywords in connection with the activity of your site, to ensure optimization of search engines (SEO)
Especially, do not post the same article on different sites . Google does not like duplicate content and you will get the opposite of the desired result.
A non-exhaustive list of small sites free content

2) Tell her website by placing links in annotation on Youtube videos

The e-sharing website YouTube video (owned by Google) is ranked the third most visited website in the world, second search engine in the world . Youtube totaling more than 4 billion views / day in the world and about 3 million unique visitors per day, in France, and only on the home page!
make its site with Youtube videosYou'll understand, Youtube offers a free source of visitors absolutely fabulous potential!
By creating your YouTube channel, you already have the ability to add links to your website or blog in the description . Which is not bad to publicize your site, given the immense popularity of Youtube.
And besides, you do not perhaps know, myself, I discovered there is little, it is possible to add links to your site / blog directly into a Youtube video . Here's how:
Create a channel on Youtube
Enable monetization of your system.
Link your site / blog
Check that the external Annotations feature is enabled
Visit the video manager, section annotations, and add a note indicating the external link to your website / blog or to a specific page of it.
Tip 3) Discussion forums to publicize its website

C ommencer by identifying forums dealing with an identical or very close to your site or blog topic, (see also the article on forums)
Join forums frequented regularly and choose a nickname consistent with your area of expertise. Add a photo, an image also related to your business.
Then publish quality posts in answering questions from participants, providing them with relevant and quality information .
Use a signing to promote your website or blog via a link.

make its site through the discussion forumsYou can find lists of videos on these directories:

You can also create your own forum:

4) Use the comments "in" and "ex" to publicize your site

P ostez comments (again, of course, relevant, interesting and adding value) on websites and blogs close to your subject. Here is a free software that allows you to Find dofollow blogs in your topic, it is fastblogfinder

Allow comments on your site. If you have a blog you probably already do, but this tool should be used for all websites including e-commerce sites.

This allows
promote the renewal of your content pages (which is very affectionate by Google).
add additional keywords in your web pages. These keywords re-employed the words of your readers and customers in search engines.
make more credible and living voting site via "real" customer testimonials.

Tip 5) Google Merchant Center to make its e-commerce site
Google Merchant to publicize its e-commerce site

Google Merchant is a new free service offered by Google and is available to professionals with an online e-commerce and marketing of consumer products . This site allows you to reference as desired for free and get good positions in SEO Google products.

Tip 6) Use social networks to promote your site and / or blog
make its site on social networks

Create accounts on major social networks in vogue. Complete as accurately as possible your profile.
On all these accounts, there is a profile to complete and most of the time you can add a link. That is already a quick and easy way to take advantage of an inbound link to your website. Google promotes links through the network such as Google+ (obviously), Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin , Pinterest , Pearltrees or Viadeo. On some social networks (LinkedIn, for example) you can even communicate an anchor different from the url, which represents an opportunity to place keywords.
Install the share buttons
Search engines take into account more meaningful content (articles, images, videos ...) appreciated and shared by users. When, for example, you write an article for your blog or site, when you embed a video on one of your pages, or when you create a squeeze page, it is imperative to ensure that readers can easily share . To do this, nothing like adding share buttons.

7) Post links to your articles on digg-like, content publishing sites like NetVibes - Stumbleupon - Wikio - Digg.fr - scoop.it - pligg.com - Yoolink -
digg-likes to publicize its website

Other tips to make its website and / or blog in an upcoming article ... To be continued ...


Posts : 64
Join date : 2012-11-30


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